About Rockharbor

Rockharbor Church is a Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered community walking together in the way of Jesus. Three words shape the heart of who we are: Encounter, Formation, Mission.
Being With Jesus
When we gather as a church, we believe that God is present and active in and through the church. As we worship, open the Scriptures, and pursue the work of the Holy Spirit, we come into God’s presence with expectation.
Becoming Like Jesus
As we abide in Jesus, we learn to walk in the Way of Jesus. Discipleship happens through a combination of learning, shared life, and practices that include the contemplative and the charismatic.
Joining Jesus
We are here for more than ourselves. We want to participate in God’s kingdom arriving on earth as it is in heaven. Kingdom mission is empowered by the Holy Spirit and marked by love expressing itself through evangelism, justice, and mercy.
A Message from our Lead Pastor
Welcome to Rockharbor!
This is a place where you can belong, a community that can become family. We’re committed to following Jesus together, loving each other, and giving ourselves away to serve the world.
We know that churches can be messy places. They are made up of people who have been redeemed and yet are still wrestling with the reality of their brokenness. Some people find it easier to curate their own spirituality, sourcing content and experiences without actually belonging to a church. But the church is Jesus’ idea. Jesus said he would build his church, and he promised to be specially present when we gather in his name. The truth is, we need one another; we grow as Christians together.
Rockharbor is a community of worshipping, praying, Biblically-grounded, Spirit-led, imperfect, authentic followers of Jesus. Our life together is shaped by three values: Encounter, Formation, and Mission. You’ll find more on what that means and how we live that out together in the pages that follow. We love our church, and we hope you’ll find your place in the family here at Rockharbor.
Grace and Peace,
Glenn and Holly Packiam
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