The Cohort

Equipping followers of Jesus for ministry in every area of life

The Cohort

The ongoing semester is currently closed, but fill out the interest form or email us below for more information on the next course session.

What is The Cohort?

A four-month learning community designed to develop leaders who think theologically, embrace formational practices, and participate in God's mission. If you have served, are serving, or are interested in serving in any way at Rockharbor, The Cohort is for you.


Intro + Encounter Formation Mission

Reading the Bible Literarily

Studying the Bible

The Gospel of the Kingdom

The Kingdom, Salvation, and the Mission of God

Theology of the Spirit Pt.1 (Person/Work)

Theology of the Spirit Pt. 2 (Gifts)

○ Prayer Ministry Theology/Model

○ The Strangeness of the Early Church

○ Cultural Snapshot (Shift, Surge, Aftermath)

○ The Gospel and Racial Reconciliation

○ A Christian Vision of Human Sexuality

○ Politics and Faith

○ Leader Lab Pt. 1: Right Size Yourself

○ Leader Lab Pt. 2: Take Care of People

  • Practice

    In an effort to, “renew our minds,” as disciples of Christ, each session will be framed by teachings from a member of Rockharbor’s pastoral team or a guest speaker and will extensively expand on material ranging from missions and ministry, historical theology, scripture, and more.

  • Learning

    To help us integrate what we learn and discuss with each other into our daily life with God, each session will have a corresponding spiritual practice. These practices will include Sabbath, Prayer of Examen, Praying the Psalms, Lectio Divina, among others.

  • Shared Life

    Discipleship happens in community. To cultivate long-lasting friendships as we learn from and encourage one another, each session will include dinner together and a discussion that facilitates a deeper relational connection.


  • The Cohort is for believers of all ages who are looking to deepen their understanding of faith, lean into relationships with followers seeking similar, intentional discipleship, and are committed to investing in their leadership capacities within and outside the four walls of the church.

  • The Cohort is $299 for a four-month experience. This includes snacks and drinks at sessions, meals at several sessions throughout the semester, guest teachers, and books and other supplies. Scholarships will be available upon request but will depend on availability.

  • We’ll be covering a range of different topics from Bible basics, to cultural/societal issues, to the Kingdom, the Holy Spirit, missions and a myriad other subjects in between. Each topic will be covered by guest speakers and/or Rockharbor staff.