Life Together
Six Practices to Shape Our Life in Christ Together.
Life Together Trailer
When Jesus called his disciples, he didn’t invite them into a solo journey with him; He invited them into a community. The same is true for us! But this kind of formation doesn’t happen automatically. It takes intentionality and practice.Over the course of six sessions you will learn insights and practices that will equip you to:
Build Relationships
Read the Bible in Community
Pray Together
Encourage Mission
Make Space for the Holy Spirit
Share Life at the Table
Alongside each video guide you will receive a written companion guide with icebreakers, discussion questions, and prayer practices to shape your time together.
Building Relationships
Ben draws a connection between rock climbing and building community.
Encouraging Good
Ben connects bees scattering and gathering in a hive to a group living on mission.
Learning to Pray Together
Ben compares the interconnectedness of an aspen grove to our practice of prayer.
Waiting on the Holy Spirit
Ben draws a parallel between surfing and waiting on the Holy Spirit.
Reading the Bible
in Community
Glenn connects the practice of reading the bible with others to a band making music.
At the Table
Glenn connects our ordinary meals together to the ministry of Jesus.